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Free Speech Ain't Always Free
" Fair speech  is more rare than the emerald that is found by slave-maidens on the pebbles" - Ptah-Hotep (2500 BC approx.)....
Public Order Policing: Shield and Football
When I wrote my last blog, we were in the middle of a world-wide pandemic. The pandemic has ended (more or less), but the global angst...
The Queen of Public Golf Courses (Ontario only)
The other day Mr. Huey and I were out walking our dogs when one of the neighbors shouted over, "We saw you were in the news! Thanks for...
Spilling Secrets: Secrecy & Police Data
There is a very amusing debate going on on Twitter at the moment among policing criminologists. I will skip the less than salacious...
This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
It's no secret that I stepped down as the Exec. Director of Can-SEBP a few weeks back and I can't say that I'm missing it. It's...
"I have this theory ...." What Theory is and What To Do With It.
Yesterday I had an absolutely fantastic chat with a former student from my Qualitative Research Methods course. She was struggling with...
KT is not BS
I just spent the weekend finishing up reviewing grant applications for some policing projects that may nor may not get funded. If I had...
Why That 'Stuff' from Psych101 May Be Useful to Remember
A day ago there was a horrendous car accident that killed a mother and her three children. What made the story even more remarkable was...
Reality Check: Indigenous Policing Research
I had an interesting exchange on Twitter the other day with one of my fave indigenous police leaders, an exchange that got me reflecting...
To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before ... (exploratory research)
A lot of research, particularly in the policing field, is what is termed 'confirmatory' - that is, the researcher has a pretty good idea...
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